A chaotic pixel arcade game where you play as a librarian. Return books to the right location, move people to where they want to go and get as many points possible in the time.


WASD to move, Num1,2 & 3 to place books when in correct spot. To move guests around run in to them and they'll follow you. Get points before the time runs out.

Music & Sfx, programming and art by me. With additional art from dulsi

Made over 3 days for an assignment at Yoobee for Auckland Libraries. This is not authorized by the Auckland Council and any use of the logos is for the assignment only. Do not sue I am but a mere student :3

Published 8 days ago
TagsArcade, library, Pixel Art, Retro


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this is so cool?! gonna start my librarian arc ðŸ•®âŠ¹